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CHT Certification

The California Kidney Care Alliance (California Dialysis Council) is a state-approved testing vendor for healthcare professionals seeking their Certified Hemodialysis Technician (CHT) certification. 


To receive your CHT certification, the State of California requires: 


  1. A high-school diploma or equivalent (GED)

  2. Completion of a State of California-approved training program

  3. A passing grade on the California Kidney Care Alliance (California Dialysis Council) State Approved Exam or one of the CMS-approved National Exams. 

All Exam Applicants Must Comply with This Statement of Understanding


By submitting my application via online registration and payment, I understand that California’s state certification process depends upon successful passage of this exam or any of the CMS approved national certification examinations.


Also, the completion of the specified requirements as set forth by the California Business and Professions Code section 1247. I further understand that the information accrued in this process may be used for statistical purposes and for evaluation by the State’s certification program. I further understand that the information from my records shall be held in confidence and shall not be used for any other purpose without my permission; however, after passing the examination the California Kidney Care Alliance (California Dialysis Council) reserves the right to publish my name and exam date on the CKCA website.


To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this online application is true, complete, correct, and is made in good faith. I understand that the California Kidney Care Alliance (California Dialysis Council) reserves the right to verify any or all information on this application. I also understand that passing this exam ALONE does NOT result in state certification. 

The California Kidney Care Alliance (California Dialysis Council) is not responsible for the software provided by PSI at their onsite testing centers.  In the event there is an Act of God or an unforeseen technological issue that keeps you from taking the test on your scheduled date and time, you will need to reschedule your exam with PSI.

The occurrence of any of the following actions will result in the denial, suspension, or revocation of the passing status:


  • Falsification of the CKCA Examination application

  • Falsification of any materials or information requested by the CKCA Examination Office

  • Cheating on the CKCA examination



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